Sunday, 31 July 2016

Why Is PDP Obsessed With Senator Magnus Abe? – APC

Senator Magnus Ngei Abe

The Rivers State chapter of All Progressives Congress, APC, now has reason to worry why the People’s Democratic Party, (PDP) and the Governor of Rivers State, Chief Nyesom Wike are obsessed and stalking Senator Magnus Ngei Abe.

In a press release by the Rivers State APC Publicity Secretary, Chris Finebone, he said that it is now public knowledge that not many persons know that the PDP senatorial candidate for Rivers South-East is Hon. Olaka Wogu because Gov. Wike speaks, campaigns and acts as if he is on the ballot against Senator Abe of the APC. At a point, the governor asked that Senator Magnus Abe must be stopped. Ever since, we have been wondering why the governor would issue what amounts to a fatwa against Senator Abe.

But more seriously, intelligence report that the APC is in possession of indicate that the top echelon of the PDP could be planning an assassination of Senator Abe as a means of stopping him. While the party is still assessing and scrutinizing this report, the PDP State Chairman, Bro Felix Obuah, in a statement signed by his media aide, Jerry Needam,and released to the media on Sunday accused Senator Magnus Abe of protecting himself with soldiers and counter-terrorism police personnel.

The APC is compelled to ask a number of questions following this recent display of unbridled obsession with Senator Abe's personal security details. Have Felix Obuah and the PDP gone into selective amnesia so soon by not recalling that, not long ago, Nyesom Wike as Minister of State for Education strutted around the State with more soldiers and Special Forces personnel than the then governor, Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi? Could the scrutiny of Senator Abe's personal protection security details and arrangements be part of a grand plot to assassinate him as being rumoured since he cannot be stopped as directed by the governor? Assuming without conceding that Senator Abe has the security personnel PDP stated, what is the real or imaginary reasons behind such a meticulous and painstaking study of an individual's personal security architecture by Felix Obuah and the PDP?

In view of the yet-to-be-resolved questions surrounding the gruesome killing of Chief Christopher Adube and the almost wiping out of his entire household, and other killings and beheadings in ONELGA, the APC calls on the Inspector-General of Police, Director-General, DSS, other relevant security agencies and Nigerians in general to hold the Rivers State PDP especially its Chairman, Bro Felix Obuah responsible for any untoward security breach or harm that is done to the person of Senator Magnus Abe now or in the nearest future. We are making this call with every seriousness we can muster.

Bank Of England Governor Under Mandate To Enforce United Kingdom Banks Release Commonwealth Citizens Money Seized By Covert Operations - British Demagogue Professor Alexia Thomas Is On The Chase And Justice Pursuit

Bank Of England Governor Mark Carney

The Demagogue Professor Alexia Thomas Voice continues her Loudness wakening up the Values and Virtues of the People of Commonwealth, with her Amass Wealth of Knowledge, she confirmed that the British Conservative Ruling Government never gave the People of Commonwealth Independent rather they gave them Sovereignty.

Professor Thomas heroes her Authority in submission, that her Party The Commonwealth Liberation Party gave the People of Commonwealth Nations Freedom by Unlocking the Code of Knowledge.                                                                                                                

She enshrined her Justice Pursuit as an Oracle, affirmed she is a British Ancient Spirit of Queen Elizabeth I Reincarnation from the 15th Century disguised in the Body of a Black woman. She declared her Silence will bring Jeopardy, as she will no longer be quite to watch her British Families Depower Colour Peoples Civilization Enrichment.

Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas Unveil her Scheme, The Commonwealth Regeneration Brigadier’ in her Mandate to relocate People of the Commonwealth Nations back to their African Continent, Asia and Caribbean for Nations Building, to recreate Heaven Towers Settlement in their Ancestral Land in preparation to purge them out of Europe working as Willing Slaves in a Conventional Deceit Diplomacy because of failures from their Government. She reveals that her White British and European Families do not know the Virtues and Values of Black People and Colored People. She pronounces predicted as an Oracle that in the Year 2035 the White Man will beg to see Colored People in their Land and Settlement.


From time to time, Banks and Building Societies inform Customers of Account Closure and instruct them to make alternative Banking Arrangements. The Banks purport reasons they are unhарру with the wау Customers are using their Aссоunts or that rеlаtiоnѕhiр with the Customer hаѕ broken down irretrievably.                                                                                                                                    
This is quite different from the closure of the Bank Accounts belonging to Cоmmоnwеаlth Citizens from Nations of Afriса, Asia and Caribbean whоѕе Bank Aссоuntѕ have bееn unlawfully closed and Monies seized. The United Kingdom Banks closure of Cоmmоnwеаlth Pеорlеѕ Accounts with no relevant rеаѕоn is a Criminal Offеnсе and their actions соntrаvеnеѕ Equality Act 2010 (C.15), Part 2 Chарtеr 1, Section 9 and Rасе Relations Act 1976.                                                                                                                               

The Commonwealth Victims whose Bank Aссоunts are ореnеd legitimately, if element of Identity is an incrimination, definitely it should not be Barrier to Warrant a Clоѕurе or Mоnеу ѕеizurе. Actions of the Banks ferociousness is evidential Commonwealth Citizens in disguise to ореrаtе Bank Aссоunts are motivated by Conservative Party Drасоniаn Laws denying Commonwealth Citizens individualism of self-Recognition as a result of the Ruling Government Anti-Semitism Policies, a mоnѕtrоѕitу to dеѕtrоу the Wеlfаrе and Well-being of Commonwealth Pеорlе.

The Bank are guilty of fеrосiоuѕ Criminal arrays of Offences under the Rulеѕ of Mоnеtаrу Equilibrium; if a Cоmmоnwеаlthiѕt (Pеrѕоnѕ’) (i) Livеѕ in the UK, (ii) Livеѕ in an Apartment (iii) Paying Landlord (iv) Pауing Council Tax (v) Came into the UK from the Prоtесtоrаtеѕ and Territories of Grеаt Britain, (vi) Criminаliѕеd bесаuѕе of Conservative Pаrtу Draconian Pоliсiеѕ (vii) Denied Hоmе Office Documents to sustain their requirement of Life to be Pеорlе without саuѕing Mayhem to the Sосiеtу; If the Bank ѕеizеѕ their Mоnеу on whatever rulеѕ, then the Banks have Pеrреtrаting Crimes of Injuѕtiсе. 

The Citizens from the Commonwealth Nations of Africa, Asia and Caribbean whose Money have been Seized by the Banks or Bank Accounts unlawfully closed; The closure of Commonwealth Peoples Accounts or Seizure of their Monies as a result of clumsy excuses is a Criminal Offence and contravenes Equality Act 2010, (C.15), Part 2, Chapter 1 Section 9 and the Race Relations 1976.

The Demigod profoundly called Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas adjudicate pursuit for Commonwealth Peoples Justice. She Staff her Authority as the Chairman of The Commonwealth Liberation Party (TCLP), UK, in her pronouncement she ascertained this New Demand is Justice for the People of Commonwealth both Home And abroad who are Victims. She accused the UK Banks decision nailed Commonwealth People in Coffins, intentionally to Depower their Civilization Enrichment in dictatorship from the embattled Conservative Party Monstrosity Bills enshrined as Law, purposely implemented to destroy the Welfare and Well-being of the People of Commonwealth in stringent circumstances to De-Value them as a People.

Party Bureaucracy To Segregate Person By Colour, Race And Language Is An Obscenity, Shame It Out – By Professor Alexia Thomas

The Banks are now under a Mandate to recall their record of Persons named in such circumstance and are under serious mandate to release their Money and reinstate the functioning of their Bank Accounts illegally closed.
The Banks are guilty of ferocious Criminal arrays of Offences under the Rules of Monetary Equilibrium; The British Banks for the past 25 years have enshrined their Institution in disguise of Legislative Policies denying Commonwealth Citizens Rights of Treaty as compelled by the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights (UDHR) 1948 rather respecting the European Convention Of Human Rights (ECHR) 1950, a 40 Years Bond revoked on the 24/06/2016; Shame on Injustice is Apology to Victims of Injustice the Victims of Legislative Policies of Hate Crime Bills.


The UK Banks must be very careful as ‘Politics a Turmoil of Men's Insanity to changing the Rules when the Policies prescribe not will result in Banks closure as the Inscription of Policies cannot relegate the Legislative Decree of Static, possibility the Banks could lose their License’ as Merchants if facts emerge they partook in the Injustice caused on the Citizens of Commonwealth through accepting the illogical Policies created by Politicians to segregate the Coloured Peoples’ Right.

The Banks are demanded to release Commonwealth Monies or risked being sued for Abuse Of Power Ambit Penalization or else the Banks will pay out serious Compensations, hence being regulated by Financial Institutions are not above the Law; If the UK Banks within 14 days fail to come to term with Reality and Resolution mandate that a Criminal like PM Theresa May who they admired had coerced them to betray the Commonwealth Peoples Money patronage of Security, rather Banks’ monstrosity to suppress them under the Rules of European Union over the Treaty of Britain and her Commonwealth, The Commonwealth Liberation Party(TCLP) will legalize a Pursuit for Commonwealth Citizens Compensation of Financial Concierge.


The United Kingdom Banks have been confraternised and intentionally participating in coercion of Hate Crimes. On the Contrary, If Commonwealth Citizens opened Bank Accounts, Officials Banks or their Management has no Legal Authority to seize their Monies as not even the Court can decree such Authority if Funds are not from proceed of Crimes.

All Commonwealth Nations Visitors who have Bank Accounts in the UK, had it opened legitimately, and if element of Identity is an incrimination, definitely it is not a barrier to warrant a closure or Money Seizure. Commonwealth Citizens disguised to operate Bank Accounts mainly for Salary purpose is motivated by Conservative Party Draconian Laws.

The Banks have been Perpetrating Crimes of Injustice and as such have portrayed the Greed and Evil in the Hate Crime Bills which was orchestrated by Prime Minister Theresa May and her Government Extortion and Massacreration of the UK Economy.

The Banks beckoning their actions on Commonwealth Citizens inability to prove their Identity when their Visas expire, protocoling their Accounts closure is an Act to alienate their Rights, injustice a derailment of Tyranny by Legalized Despotism.
The Banks as Institutions stole from the People of Commonwealth using Deceit Diplomacy of Legislative Warrants; The Ruling Government is in Political Wars and as Such cannot give Command and their Conservative Party is in turmoil and on the brink of collapse as they have championed Human destruction

The Conservative Party intentionally denied the People of Commonwealth Residence Permits in Sham Enshrined Immigration Legislation, then the Banks should find their Box of Shame and stand independent of Politics for Peoples Money and Political Policies will always be in contravention; The Peoples Money when not Fraud or from Proceeds of Crime is their just Rights and no Legislative Confraternity can deny them access to their Resources of Appraisal.

The Banks are necessitated by the Financial Regulations Policies because PM Theresa May could face Imprisonment for her unjust Protocols. The Conservative Party Ruling Government ordered the Banks and their Management’s monstrosity against illegal activities on Commonwealth Citizens Money seizure, at this junction the Banks illegality must be stopped.

The Commonwealth Writ of Justice is now enforced by The Commonwealth Liberation Party (TCLP) and the Banks must release aforesaid Monies frozen in coercion of Legislative Confraternity by Conservative Party to depower Coloured Peoples Civilization Enrichment.

The Commonwealth Liberation Party has commissioned the Protectorate Identity Commission (PIC) her Agency who has now Unveiled the British Commonwealth National Card for Commonwealth Citizens identification, so on this basis, the Banks are able to verify Persons’ Identity and in quicken resolution to release Commonwealth Peoples Monies without causing them hardship.

The Pоlitiсѕ as Pеорlе’ѕ Money and Pоlitiсаl Policies will аlwауѕ be in contravention.                                                                                                

The People’s mоnеу when not acquired from Fraud or from proceeds of Crime is their just Rights and no Legislative Confraternity can dеnу them access to their Rеѕоurсеѕ of Aррrаiѕаl. 

Whеrе Juѕtiсе Is Denied, Where Poverty Is Enforced, Where Ignorance Prevails, And Where Any One Class Is Made To Fееl That Society Is An Organized Conspiracy To Оррrеѕѕ, Rob And Degrade Them, Neither Реrѕоnѕ Nor Рrореrtу Will Be Ѕаfе. – By Mr. Fredrick Dоuglаѕѕ.

PRESS RELEASE BY: Professor Alexia Thomas Chairman - 31st July 2016


Nigeria Makes Headway In Securing China’s Funding Of Projects

Budget and National Planning Minister, Senator Udoma Udo Udoma, at the weekend, in Beijing, made a strong case why the Chinese government should assist Nigeria financially in funding critical major infrastructure projects in the country.

Senator Udoma who was in China for the Coordinator’s meeting on the implementation of the follow-up actions of the Johannesburg Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) also used the opportunity to discuss issues of vital economic interest with that country’s Vice Minister for Commerce, Mr. Qian Keming; and officials of China EXIM bank, where he stressed the mutually beneficial relationship the two countries will eventually enjoy if Nigeria’s economy is assisted to grow rapidly.

At the Johannesburg Summit in South Africa in December 2015, China had agreed to Assist African countries in ten strategic areas that will help their economy. It pledged $60 billion in aid, grants and concessional loans.

In a press release by the Media Adviser to the Hon Minister of Budget and National Planning, Akpandem James, he said that Nigeria is trying to get as much of the Chinese funding for projects in the form of grants, aids, investments and loans. The loan component will however be within the country’s debt sustainability limits. Projects proposed for the facility by Nigeria is in the region of about $20 billion, and the Minister said Nigeria will be in a better stead if the Chinese government will assist with a substantial part of the funds required.

During the various meetings, Senator Udoma stressed the need for special consideration for Nigeria given its strategic relationship with China, its economic potentials, and its capacity to redeem its part of the transaction obligations.

The Minister said following the meetings, both countries expressed satisfaction with the proposals and are very anxious to take proceedings to the next level.

During the Cooperation meeting attended by ministers from various countries in Africa, China’s President Xi Jinping said the meeting was an important step taken by China and Africa to implement the consensus of Chinese and Africa leaders and the outcomes of the FOCAC. 

“It is a significant measure to boost China-African cooperative development. The meeting demonstrates to the world once again that no matter how the international landscape may change, the resolve of China and Africa to pursue unity and win-win cooperation will never change”, Jinping said.

The President noted that the weak performance of the world economy brings both opportunities and challenges to the economic development of China and Africa. “We must stand shoulder to shoulder and march forward hand in hand,” he admonished.

In his keynote speech, China’s State Councilor, Yang Jiech, explained that his country initiated the meeting at this time “to take stock of the delivery of summit outcomes, to align our thinking, built consensus, overcome challenges and difficulties, share experience and promote cooperation, so that we can pool the wisdom and strength of both sides and give a leg up to the implementation work”.

At the plenary session, China’s Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, was pleased that both China and the African countries have attained a high level of implementation of the outcomes of the summit, have acted promptly to take forward the five pillars and ten plans of cooperation and have made substantial progress in enhancing friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation across board.

He added that China has delivered on its commitments and made every effort to advance follow-up actions.  

World Bank, Sokoto Government Commit N8.8b For Projects In 10 LGAs

The World Bank and the Sokoto State Government will execute various projects in 10 LGAs of the state to the tune of N8.8 billion.

To be executed under the Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP), the collaboration is aimed at addressing the menace of gully erosion and land degradation in selected communities across the state.
This is contained in a statement issued Sunday by Malam Imam Imam, spokesman to Governor Aminu Waziri Tambuwal in Sokoto.

"Under the arrangement, Sokoto state government will pay 12.9 percent of the amount which stand at over N1.33 billion as counterpart funding. The entire project will be executed in 10 local government areas of the state and will tackle environmental issues, water management and land reclamation across the LGAs.

"The projects are: rehabilitation of Lugu dam and Wurno irrigation scheme in Wurno LGA, control of river erosion along bridge linking Sabon Birni and Niger Republic, construction of medium earth dam at Rafin Duma and Kadassaka area in Gada LGA, and construction of main collector drainage and gutter from Tudun Wada area to River Sokoto in Sokoto South LGA," the statement added.

Others include construction of drainage gutter from Goronyo Dam for tree planting and protection activity on desertification, construction of earth dam and afforestation activities to help in reducing erosion in Ungushi district of Kebbe LGA and finally, construction of drainages, earth dams and land reclamation across multiple locations in Tambuwal LGA.

The rest, according to the statement, include construction of drainages, earth dam, afforestation activities to control erosion of Durbawa in Kware LGA and construction of earth dam, drainage and afforestation activities to check flood and erosion in Sifawa in Bodinga LGA as well as construction of drainage gutters to alleviate flood in Wamakko LGA.

Biafrans and Onumah’s ‘Prophecies’

By Ibrahim Ramalan

Title: We Are All Biafrans
Author: Chido Onumah
Publisher: Origami
Year: 2016
Pages: 214

 Along the line of my quest for knowledge, I have always come across this cliché that Nigeria is a land of milk and honey: Arable land, mineral resources, and a large and enterprising population; variables that make a nation great. Regrettably and in spite of all of these, we have been in a pitiable situation. Whenever I ruminate over these conundrums, a whole lot of rhetorical questions keep agitating my mind.

Setting my eyes on this book, its title, We Are All Biafrans, only heightened a sense of curiosity in me towards finding out why we are described by one of the age-long canker worms we have been battling to do away with as a country. However, from the outset, as someone who has always shared patriotic feeling with each and every individual that believes in the Nigeria project, I did not see this book as only a work of art, which must be appreciated by its enthusiasts.

Rather, I saw it as a national question that must be answered, and by way of a review. I set out with a clearly spelt out mission of finding out why we (Nigerians that abhor the word Biafra), would be described as such.

My curiosity was, however, appeased by the first sentence in the prologue of the book which reads: “The young Nigerians now threatening to actualize Biafra should forget or shelve the plan. They should, through research and study, reconstruct the Biafra story…and answer the unanswered questions and supply the missing links in the story.”

By this, the author has offered these disgruntled youth agitating for a sovereign state of their own an olive branch.

Going further through the book, it appears however that the agitation Onumah describes has more to it than meet the eyes, because he metaphorically describes all of us as Biafrans, as long as we are seeking to confront the crisis which is a product of the feeling of alienation and marginalisation due to our deeply flawed federalism. He believes that such feeling is arguably widespread from the south to the northern part of the country.

Hence, the basis for the author’s prophesies that Nigeria is sitting on a time bomb that could go up anytime. He argues that Nigeria as a country has paid dearly for allowing politics to trump patriotism and wasted much time and resources doing nothing and going nowhere.

Now, before undertaking an analysis of the book, it is important to know that this great book is a compendium of the author’s published articles in both traditional and online news outlets within the last three years (2013 to 2016), grouped into chapters one to five.

Chapter one, ‘The politics of 2015’, deals with the high-wire politics of the 2015 elections and its crucial stake in the survival of Nigeria as a country. The author, through the star article of this chapter titled, ‘2015: Why Buhari Matters’, issued a warning that, “the impoverished millions of our country men and women, the wanton abuse of rights, the unmitigated corruption, alienation, internal colonization and exacerbation of the fault lines of the country were not issues that the current political order could tackle.”

The second chapter, ‘Dancing on the Brink’, focuses on the issue of a Sovereign National Conference (SNC). In this, the author thunders that Nigeria is a big scam, a collapsed edifice that is in need of an urgent overhaul through a recognized form of representation that would carry everybody along. He says: “More than fifty years after independence, we have managed to alienate one another so much so that people still see themselves as northerners, southerners, and everything in between.”

However, the author jubilates over a glimmer of hope that resurfaced through the convention of a National Conference. In the next chapter, ‘Unmaking Nigeria’, his jubilation is cut short as he argues that “many, if not all, of the problems that assail us as a nation are rooted in the structure of the country which has been left unattended to”. He argues:

“My take is that majority of Nigerians do not really give a damn about the disintegration debate because to them the country started disintegrating the very moment it became a sovereign nation, when rulers had the opportunity to build a united and prosperous nation but they were so mired in their clannish and thieving ways to worry about that.” Pp.65

Reinforcing the above statement, the fourth chapter, ‘Of scoundrels and statesmen’, focuses on some individuals and groups in and out of government whose actions have either enriched our polity or reinforced it as the giant of Africa only in name. In the chapter, the author clearly spells out how most of our leaders have always failed to walk their talk and how this inability has torpedoed our growth and unity.

In the next chapter, Chapter five, ‘Last Missionary’, the author reminds us that we are living in a deeply fractured nation and we could only ignore that reality at our own peril. He adds that unless we sit at a table to negotiate the terms of our co-existence as a people, our country would continue to ‘go round and round’.

“There are millions of our compatriots across Nigeria for whom this country provides no succor, there are millions who feel they have no stake in Nigeria, millions who feel they been left out of the gains that independence ought to bring.” pp.164.

However, according to the author, all hope is not lost because we could still retrace our steps. He notes: “What the current situation calls for is a bold attempt to confront Nigeria’s seemingly intractable problem: The structure of our federalism.”
As much I appreciate Onumah's intellectual contributions towards actualising the Nigeria Project, I think this project is bigger than him and all that have written about it. That notwithstanding, this work of art would go a long way in evoking a positive thinking in the readers and Nigerians as a whole. Essentially, the book is intended to sustain the reader's interest, remain true to the empirical evidence and deliver a message, all at the same time. It is a wonderful keepsake for all those who want to understand why Nigeria is not work and what needs to be done.

In addition, this book is written in a simple, straightforward language to the understanding of anyone with a smattering of the English language. The font size and type face too is reader-friendly.

One thing readers of the book may find as its shortcoming however is the fact that some of the articles are not presented in a chronological order which makes it difficult for the reader to come to terms with the chain and sequentiality of the unfolding of events. Such shortcomings slightly impede one’s understanding of the sequence of events presented in this epistolary tome.

It is hoped that future editions of the book will correct these and a few typographical errors noticed. All in all, readers will find it very informative and those saddled with the responsibility of leadership in the country may find in it a useful guide in tackling some of the problems troubling the nation.

Ibrahim Ramalan is an Abuja-based writer and journalist. He can be reach at

Saturday, 30 July 2016

River State Security Environment: Investors And The Rest Of The World Know Better - APC

The Rivers State chapter of All Progressives Congress, APC, said the party’s attention has been drawn to a statement by the Rivers State Governor, Chief Nyesom Wike that “despite the propaganda being sponsored by the opposition, Rivers State is safe for investments and development.”

The governor was reported to have made the statement while speaking to the leadership of the Nigerian Guild of Editors Saturday. He is quoted to have said: “It is important for everyone to know that Rivers State is safe and is witnessing massive development. In the next two months, we are hosting many national events. We have already hosted several national events in the last two months."

The APC in a statement signed by its spokesman, Senibo Chris Finebone believed that that statement by the governor is poles apart from reality on the ground. Therefore, we would like the governor to make public just 5 of the new investments that have flowed into Rivers State since he became governor May 29, 2015. We have not asked for 10, we are asking him to name 5 new investments that have been established in Rivers State.

The statement reads: “The APC takes exception to serial dishonest and misleading narratives relentlessly pushed into public space by the top echelon of the Rivers State Government. This may have been fashionable in the dark ages but definitely disgusting in the 21st Century.

“The truth remains that the PDP government in Rivers State must take responsibility for the present security basket case across the State and does the needful to stamp out insecurity just like the previous state government led by Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi fought the scourge to a standstill up to May, 2015.

“It is pertinent to inform the governor that external investors whether foreign or Nigerian have faster, wider and more honest reach when it comes to gathering security information of various locations of interest to them. It will amount to self-ridicule to tell them something different from what they have better knowledge about.

“Again, the governor must discard the outdated idea that using millions of Rivers taxpayers’ money to buy and host all manner of events in Rivers State will automatically depicts Rivers State as the Eldorado and ultimate peace haven sought for by all. It is not true! The only thing that will transform Rivers State into an investor’s paradise is the conceptualisation and implementation of an altruistic security plan anchored on zero-tolerance for criminality as espoused by the last Amaechi administration in the State.”

NUC Approves University Of Africa

Bayelsa Governor Seriake Dickson (L) Receives A Letter Of Approval For The Establishment Of University Of Africa, Toru Orua From The Executive Secretary Of The NUC Prof Juluis Okojie In His Office In Abuja

 The National University Commission (NUC) has approved the University of Africa as the 43rd state university in the country.

Its approval followed the formal presentation of the relevant gazette law, academic brief and physical masterplan as well as the satisfactory report of the advisory resource assessment visit by the commission.

The University of Africa is an initiative of the Bayelsa State Government, which will, however, run as a Public Private Partnership (PPP), since the state government will only provide the enabling environment, while the financing would come from the private sector.

Giving the nod, through a letter dated 28 of July 2016, the Executive Secretary of the commission, Professor Julius Okojie, while congratulating the state government, noted that, the establishment of the university took effect from the 28th of July, having complied with the basic requirements.

According to Okojie, the University of Africa is also the 143rd in the Nigerian university system.

In a statement by the Chief Press Secretary to the Bayelsa State Governor, Daniel Iworiso-Markson, yesterday and made available to the press, Governor Seriake Dickson had led a delegation of top government officials to the office of the commission in Abuja  and were received by executive secretary, who briefed the governor on the latest development  and the approval of the university.

The statement disclosed that, Okojie handed over the letter of approval to Dickson during the visit, as he also commended him for the initiative.

 In his remarks, Dickson, while thanking the NUC Executive Secretary for the warm reception accorded him and his team, explained that, the University of Africa, Toru-Orua was conceived as a public private partnership and it is designed as a first rate institution of learning that will also attract some of the best teachers from Africa and the world.

He said the university will be funded by its partners and the government would only provide the enabling environment  for its establishment.

The Bayelsa State Chief Executive said, there is need for more private universities to be established and they must be fee paying, pointing out that, it is the only way to make funding of  tertiary institutions viable and sustainable.

His words "I am here leading this small delegation to present to you these laws passed by the Bayelsa State House of Assembly, establishing a new university that we want to bring about working with the private sector. It will be run on a PPP basis.

It is a University unlike the existing one, it will not be directly funded by the state. Our belief is that moving forward for a university to be sustainable, we must create room for private sector participation and involvement.

The University of Africa, Toru-Orua, is the first of its kind in this country, that is established by government with private sector involvement and it will be strictly a fee paying tertiary institution that will attract students from across the continent and the globe. It will be the model as we encourage more private universities in this country"

Group Rallies Support For Dogara

The Centre for Democratic Leadership has called for an immediate end to the crisis currently being witnessed in the Federal House of Representatives. The Executive Director of the Centre, Comrade Bashir Umar in a chat with Newsmen today also faulted the seeming silence of the leadership of the ruling All Progressives Congress, APC, over the crisis, which began as a result of the sack of the former Chairman of the House Committee on Appropriation, Hon. Abdulmumin Jubril.

The Organisation queries while it took Hon. Abdulmumin this long to begin his accusations against the Speaker, Hon. Yakubu Dogara and others, asking if this would still have remained a “secret” had it been he was allowed to retain its former position.

The organization also described as laughable, the allegations of budget “padding” against the House Leadership, asking if Hon. Abdulmumin and his collaborators are actually out to ridicule the integrity of the Buhari led administration by claiming that a budget already assented to by the President is riddled with corrupt components.

“May we remind Hon. Abdulmumin Jubril that his current effort to pull the down the house leadership is an indirect indictment on the integrity of Mr. President, who took time more than anyone ever did, to scrutinize the 2016 budget, leading to its return to the National Assembly at a point in time for proper amendment before finally appending his signature to make it an act” Comrade Umar said.

He also asked the leadership of the ruling APC, to intervene in the ongoing dispute to avoid a consequential effect on the smooth running of the House and governance in general.

It also reminds the those behind the present imbroglio to consider the current economic hardship being faced by Nigerians, and work as a team henceforth to savage the situation and drop the pursuit of personal vendetta and unnecessary crisis that will further create more disharmony within the Nigerian polity.

APC Youths Slams Oyegun

The All Progressives Congress Youth Vanguard (APCYC) of Lagos, have lend its voice to the call by the Deputy National Publicity Secretary of the APC, Comrade Timi Frank, urging the National Chairman of the party, Chief John Oyegun to resign over what it termed as the failure of the party’s National Working Committee, to once wade into the various crisis between members of the ruling party, in the National Assembly.
In a statement issued and signed by the Chairman, Oluwatobi Johnson on Saturday in Lagos after its monthly Executive meeting, the group Corroborated an earlier stand taken by Comrade Frank, saying it is saddened, by the failure of the party leadership, to see as an issue of urgent National importance, the crisis within the Assembly which began between members of the All Progressives Congress in the Senate and has now found its way to the House of Representatives.

The group took a swipe at the attempt by the party’s leadership to remain silent and see the issue as mere disagreement within the Assembly, not minding the greater implication on the corporate image and integrity of the ruling party.

“We cannot continue to behave as if these persons whose images are being battered in these politically motivated campaigns, did not contribute to the making and the eventual enthronement of our party at the centre” the statement read.

The group therefore asked the party’s National Chairman, to relinquish his position for a more competent hand that can practically act as the leader and father of all within the party. It further said that the numerous intra-party crisis being witnessed since the inception of this administration is already taking its toll on governance and it is not in any way going to be in the interest of the fortune of the APC in the nearest future.

The group call on all actors within the National Assembly to immediately embrace dialogue while urging in particular, Honourable Abdulmumin Jubrin, to retrace his step and resolve whatever differences he has with the Speaker, Hon. Yakubu Dogara in the interest of the party and good governance in the country.

Bayelsa Government Calls for the Establishment Special Brigades to Curb Criminality, Protect Critical National Assets

The Bayelsa State Government has called for the establishment of special brigades of the Nigerian Army in the state, with a view to curbing criminal acts and contributing to the overall peace and stability of the Niger Delta.

Deputy Governor, Retired Rear Admiral Gboribiogha John Jonah made the call, when the Minister of Defence, retired Brigadier General Mansur Dan-Ali paid him a courtesy visit in Government House, Yenagoa.

He noted that the creation of two battalions as earlier approved before his retirement from the military would not only assist in securing the nation's critical assets in the state, but also reduce response time in the event of any security challenge.

The Deputy Governor also lauded the Federal Government's security outfit in the Niger Delta, Operation Delta Safe for its initiative to involve communities in intelligence gathering towards stemming security challenges in the region.

Describing the initiative as thoughtful, John Jonah pointed out that, no security arrangement in the area would succeed without the effective collaboration of the people, given the peculiar terrain of the Niger Delta region.

While expressing gratitude to the Minister of Defence and his entourage for the visit, the Deputy Governor reaffirmed the state government's commitment towards partnering with security agencies to achieve enduring peace.

According to John Jonah, the Dickson-led administration would not renege on its stance on zero tolerance to crime and criminality, as it is in the best interest of the state to provide a peaceful environment to attract investments.

Speaking earlier the Minister of Defence, Retired Brigadier General Mansur Dan-Ali said, he was in the state to assess the performance of Operation Delta Safe, as well as its welfare, especially in the area of logistic support.

As part of its plan to engage communities in its security architecture, Brigadier General Dan-Ali said efforts are on to incorporate beneficiaries of the Federal Government's Amnesty programme in the fight against pipeline vandalism and other criminal activities threatening national security and stability.  

The Minister of Defence was accompanied on the visit by the Chief of Defence Staff, General Gabriel Olorunsakin.

Bayelsa Government Restates Commitment to 50 Percent Agreement with Labour, Clears Air on FAAC receipt for July, 2016

Bayelsa State Deputy Governor, Rear Admiral John Jonah (Rtd) (2nd R), making his presentation, while the Hon. Commissioner of Information & Orientation, Mr, Jonathan Obuebite (L), his counterpart of Sports Development, Mr. John Buruboyefe (2nd L), and the Special Adviser to the Governor on Treasury, Revenue & Accounts, Mr. Timipre Seipulo (R), during the Transparency Briefing for May 2016, at the Deputy Governor's Conference Room, Government House, Yenagoa.

.... We received N7.2 billion, not N19 billion – Dep. Gov

The Bayelsa State Government has restated its commitment to the agreement it reached with organized labour, saying out of the N3.5 billion funds available for spending for the month of July, 2016, it would pay the 50% of salaries to workers for the month of July.

Deputy Governor, Retired Rear Admiral Gboribiogha John Jonah, who stated this during the monthly transparency briefing in Government House, Yenagoa, said the amount was realized after all the necessary deductions.

For the month of May, the Deputy Governor announced a gross inflow of N5.5 billion, comprising statutory allocation of N1.5 billion, derivation N3.3 billion, VAT N550 million, exchange differential N65 million and refunds from Rivers State on previous over payment N57 million.

John Jonah, who said IGR for April stood at N517 million, however, noted that, there were no funds from the Excess Crude account, augmentation and Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas (NLNG).

On the deductions totaling N1.5 billion, Rear Admiral John Jonah stated that, there was a reduction on the refunds for the over payments on derivation indices, following the appeal made by the state government.

According to him, a breakdown on the deductions, included bond N1.2 billion, foreign loans N21 million, commercial agricultural loans 1 and 11 amounting to N162.3 million and final repayment to Akwa Ibom State on the Ekanga Oil Field of N131 million.

Presenting the figures on the outflow for May, the Deputy Governor said civil servants' salaries gulped N2.08 billion, local debt servicing N863 million, recurrent expenditure N454.3 million, while capital payment stood at N980 million, thereby leaving the state with a deficit balance of N80.06 million.

Contrary to speculations, he explained that, Bayelsa received a gross inflow of N7.2 billion for the month of June as against the N19 billion being peddled, noting that, FAAC deductions totaled N2.3 billion.

According to him, the sum of N1.4 billion was spent on local debt servicing from the net inflow of N4.9 billion, leaving a balance of N3.5 billion as funds available as at the end of July, 2016.

Also speaking, the Commissioner for Information and orientation, Hon. Jonathan Obuebite cautioned media practitioners to verify facts and figures, before going to the press in order to avoid misinforming the public.