Tuesday, 1 December 2015


By Helen Mukoro Idisi

My goal is strengthening democracy, fundamentally transforming the three branches of government, it can mean the difference between poverty and integral development; between life and fate and break the weaknesses that we had so far, such as that experienced in the System, Security, Justice, Economic, Productive, Consumer, Finance, or the system of political representation and others mentioned as the Great Policy issues and lines to agree, has the power to restore the confidence of honest, hard-working defenseless population in institutions and avoid backwardness and mismanagement that have consumed us.

For me, to rule, has to do with good leadership, service, with care and prevention, and with creative, innovative and common sense proposals; yet fulfilling the conditions, the must seek, the general welfare, without exception and of course attack the root of the complications and the profound change in the structure and substance of the cases and not just the makeup, chapuces and last minute arrangements.

This is my line, based on peaceful coexistence, which allows my decisions without causing major social ills; and with the participation of stakeholders and representatives of the forces of our country, sitting, we have to sit in the workshops, at all levels, we will explore all options that benefit us as a country and as a society, to be executed seeking the common good. To make operative and effective state powers and achieving human and social development and welfare of the citizens, is indispensable a tool to get a governance pact and state reform.

To make operative and effective state powers and achieving human and social development and welfare of the citizens, is indispensable a tool to get a governance pact and state reform. To meet the multiple needs that the vast majority suffer, it is essential to be done through a modern and flexible rule of law, where the Community of human and social development, combined with stronger institutions in general, lead us to achieve the constitutional principle of the Common Good.

Have a Great Covenant on Democratic Governance is to have the option for all citizens to live correctly, respecting and strengthening institutions, and to resolve our differences through legal channels; which will prevent confrontation, violence, armed rebellion and contempt among nationals. It is essential that our children and future generations, unfold in a modern nation, where society is not exclusive, much less discriminatory to reign equal opportunities and we can ensure that every inhabitant, and their families, have opportunities to develop their productive potential and to live all inhabitants in a country finally generating great opportunities and prosperity.

To meet the multiple needs that the vast majority suffer, it is essential to be done through a modern and flexible rule of law, where the Community of human and social development, combined with stronger institutions in general, lead us to achieve the constitutional principle of the Common Good.

Here I am presenting a different way of seeing our political, social and human environment, with the sole intention to seek a different alternative for the traditional, proven by many presidents, it has not solved anything; and we continue mired in the national drama. With incalculable social costs for our population. Anyone with half a brain understands very well this national problem.So why our politicians and presidents, who are supposed to and are better prepared than other civilians, have been unable to discern things and the background of the problems.

Cooperation and international aid should be consciously coordinated by an institution for effective and timely action, bearing in mind that the nations of the modern world are convinced that without a governance pact in our respective countries, the cooperation between the developed world and our country will be extremely limited.

Under this concept, the governance I would like to pact has the task of defining a structural approach directing all its efforts towards the strengthening of democracy, with special emphasis on strengthening the rule of law and promote citizen participation, promoted for this, the culture of dialogue and openness.

Therefore I have to push from civil society, a transformation in the three branches of government that guarantees all citizens the comprehensive improvement, through processes that:
- Optimize the management capacity of the branches of government to communities.
- Define solutions to structural problems.
- Promote the active participation of civil society.
- Promote dialogue in the different sectors of the community.

The work of these actions must focus on the conception, design and implementation of strategies to promote the changes demanded by the evolution of our society, based on the recognition of the specific and regional needs of our country, through diagnostics and specialized studies. My proposals is characterized by defining solutions to structural problems involving different perspectives of action for the purpose of analyzing alternatives and implement plans of general social impact.

The methodology should be based on the involvement and participation of multi-sectoral working groups, systematize information using technology, applying criteria for political dialogue, internal management with international organizations and public and private entities, and the application of monitoring methods and evaluation. In addition to maintaining a critical view of the results of our actions.

My governance pact should respond, from the beginning, objectives and commitments to free actions of a particular political party or ideology of any sector with some weight in society. And this will allow us to channel views and opinions of very diverse origin and nature, always seeking to obtain a convergence of ideas whose diversity enriches the analysis process and expands the options of solution.

With this approach we can access all sectors in general, including political and economic, to win support for the quality of the proposals, which will boost the credibility of our serious and selfless work.

I have to put the right emphasis to use other tools, such as analysis of the media, surveys, studies and opinion polls, specialized consultations, interviews and other mechanisms to access valuable information to let us know all about needs and perceptions of the communities at large and target groups.

Political dialogue is the basis of the whole scheme, in order to engage and interact with civil society and institutions.

Our country is no exception, it can not be placed in a position of development if more than half of its population has been marginalized, discriminated and excluded not only by the decisions but the welfare and comprehensive improvement.

Nor can we assume that economic growth, as reflected in some macroeconomic indicators, bring some improvement in the conditions of life of millions of families when a huge number of people are deprived of rights and resources to encourage or promote productivity.

The development models we have had, if we can say that we have attempted or intend to have them, have excluded the extremely poor men and poor women, giving a deal, thereby socially unjust and politically untenable for humans to the governments.

Much of this, but everything we've been living in each of our country in over the last fifty years at least.

And that has caused social injustice and contempt marked by the quality of life of the inhabitants that make up the social strata most deprived and neglected, and unfortunately fateful way, have grown, ironically for those great political strategists of the past believed do the right thing with the alleged growth of our economy.

That is why all the activities taking place in the field of government events aim to bring development to the communities, reflect only the marked growth that produces greater social inequality.

And the presence of capital speculation, hot money together to accentuate the trends, because the money is not used for production but for speculation and irrational exploitation.
The environment, the right to pollute and plunder natural, renewable resources or not, have become - sadly must be said a key incentive for foreign investment and the ruthless exploitation of our resources, goods and services.

Civil society is largely absent in the process of globalization that is taking place in Spain. And none of the people were consulted or considered, even, when signing agreements or free trade agreements. And unfortunately for millions of Spanish nationals, we reduced our potential role to be only passive consumers of the great interests galore.

The serious consequences of the foregoing are manifold. And any government has reduced chances, yet despite its good intentions, because obviously it weakens governance, so bleak panorama before yet daunting.

The results and effects are very clear: it dramatically increases poverty and comes apart from extreme poverty and poverty itself, another phenomenon that is so harmful to the poor living in new, better known urban and urban poor receiving all the burden of inhuman and exploitative mercantilist system that has controlled us, and makes the trend, is to the middle layers of society disappear.

The social polarization deepens, reflecting national human development indices fifty years overdue and that it holds no people or can no longer be tolerated.

Health and education services had became inaccessible to the vast majority consumption of all ages. And the irrational exploitation of our natural, renewable and nonrenewable resources have nullified any attempt at rational use and conservation, which has seriously endangered and pointing to suffer irreversible damage to our country.

The land is paid, further, for greater social conflict, when we bring the issue of increase in criminal and violent acts, where insecurity, impunity, corruption and ineptitude, are the key factors to have a Security System, Justice and Prison exhausted and nearly collapsed.

The state, as constitutional guarantor of the common good and the protection of person and family, each day lost more strength in that endeavor.

And in this sad national scheme must be added that social and human rights and social base organizations and civil society, continue to be ignored.

Is the time and the right moment to pause, reflect and I'll prepare a new path based on a large Social Democratic Governance Pact that has its bases, and of course the social support, and that it works. This means that, the system of representation that includes our Constitution, so that from there locally generated responses to the genuine demands of the people from the communities, municipalities, departments or provinces, regions and/or states, comprehensive national level, since where representatives of organized society to define and decide the future development and national harmony, ie governance and for the state of our countries.

The issue of leadership style and leadership of women is also at the center of debate. Some alleged female leadership traits are counterproductive for different reasons: for being women, are too focused on the affective bonds, because of its difficulty to consider the world of management as a great game, by their limited capacity to capture work team and the little respect for hierarchies and low awareness of their effectiveness.

To just get forward, sincerely and without any politicking demagoguery, I'II find a process to start with firm foundations, the solution to our "problems" is essential.

Helen Mukoro Idisi is a political Queen, the first African to form and float a political party in Spain and Europe, the very first to run for a local election under her own political party in Spain and the first to register for presidential elections in Spain and Europe, whether or not, the history made here can never be erased ....... ''I walked through the valley of the Giants''

Helen Mukoro Idisi is a Spanish Writer, Politician, Legal Consultant and Forensic Expert!!!!
WEBSITE: www.helenmukoro.com

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