Sunday, 11 September 2016

Most Evil Russian Psychiatric Exposed, Dr. Sergey Victorovich Grachev Paid By UK Authorities To Assassinate Professor Alexia Thomas. NHS Oxleas Bracton Psychiatric Hospital His Employers Are His Accomplices

Dr. Sergey Victorovich Grachev 

Delusional Disorder Is A Tautology; A Fabricated Jargonistic English Word Invented By Insane Rulers Of Men To Limit Idealistic Traits Of Men Ability To Stop Tyranny Of Government – By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas.
Our Psychiatric Hospitals are supposed to be Safe Plасеѕ tо Hоuѕе and trеаt People, the Government trust Patients to their Care, but instead it is a Dungeon of Hell were the innocent are killed in silence bесаuѕе the Mental Health Act limits Patients Frееdоm even a Criminal has Rights that a Sectioned Patient. The Mental Hеаlth Tribunal is a Mediocrity Court in pretense they uphold Justice for Patients actually has no Powers instead operates just like Coronas. The Office of the Immigration Services Commission (OISC) brought False Charges that led Prof. Thomas malicious conviction in 2010 and False Imprisonment of 18 months a Malpractice of OISC a Non Department Public Body and Fake Regulatory Agency hibernating in the Veil of Home office Department an infusion of a Maggot Act of Legalized Despotism, disguised as Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 to seize the Authorities of Civil Rights Advocates. United Kingdom is now a Police State Controlled by Vigilante Syndicates, using miniature Laws to Silent the Voices of Political Parties Opposition.


In May of 2008 Professor Alexia Thomas instinct as an Oracle revealed to her, the UK Border Agency Militias Agency were going to lobby the United Kingdom Government to give them Powers to hold Ammunitions,  a Malicious Intention to start Killing Commonwealth Citizens randomly in their Homes because the White sees the Black and Coloured People as Bugs which is still the reason United Sates of America (USA) have made Gun Culture a Law reason for Black threat and their resistance to limit their Civilization.

Professor Alexia Thomas saw the Future of Tomorrow Destruct and ‘The Hunt for Judaism that the Masscreration of 15 Million Justice the same Faith will unfold on Commonwealth Citizens, so she campaigned vigorously for 6 years, hammering on the Ruling Labour Party Government in Headship of Ex-Prime Minister Gordon Brown to disarm the UK Border Agency, stripped them the Contract and relegated their Activates to the State Police hence the Military and Navy Officers are not at War. The Dangerousity of the UK Border Agency Syndicates operating United Kingdom as a Chicken Republic and after 6 Years from 2008, the UK Border Agency got disbanded in April 2013. Her Triumph came at Price.

False charges were brought against Professor Alexia Thomas, it led to a malicious conviction, and a False Imprisonment in Holloway Prison and she was sent to Bracton Psychiatric Hospital in Datford to be use as Guinea Pig experiment by a Russian Psychiatric Dr.  Sergey Victorovich Grachev.

Dr. Sergey Grachev and hiѕ Criminal Syndicates Fixаtеd Threat Sеrviсе рlаnnеd to аѕѕаѕѕinаtе Professor Alexia Thomas with Cyanide injесtiоn “ A Pоtеnt Pоiѕоn which causes inhibition of Mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidаѕе in the Body Sуѕtеm” with intention to ѕесrеtlу administered tо hеr thrоugh Haloperidol Injection thаt she wаѕ Mentally Unwell and giving the Mеdiсаtiоn tо calm hеr down will lead to a convulsion аnd аftеr 45 minutеѕ hеr death will be pronounced аѕ a Cаrdiас Arrеѕt.

Within the first 4 days of Prof. Thomas arrival at Joydens Clinic, having realized that she was amidst individuals who have committed Forensic Offences, she then requested a transfer back to Prison as a Prisoner on Section 47/49, the Hospital refused, so Prof. Thomas protested by not Eating and Drinking, it led to Dehydration and she was rushed to Accident and Emergency in Queen Mary Hospital in Dartford and on her discharge from Queen Mary Hospital, Dr. Grachev’s Hatred on her began.                                     

Prof. Thomas Body metabolism was continually abused by Dr. Grachev with his Malicious Prescription. Despite all odds, she kept telling Dr. Grachev no matter how much he doses her body with Medication, the fact remains she does not suffer from any Mental Disorder, never had any Mental Disorder and his Malicious Prescription was an Act of Abuse.

§  On the 30/11/2010, same day on her discharge from Accident and Emergency (A and E) on the, Dr. Grachev dosed Prof. Thomas with medication called Olanzapine 10 mg.
§  On the 7/12/2010, he increased Prof. Thomas medication to 15mg of Olanzapine.
§  On the 9/12/2010, he increased Prof. Thomas medication to 20 mg of Olanzapine, yet no evidence to justify the random increment as no Abnormal Behaviour apart from her protest, refusing to Eat and Drink, which she made clear to the Nursing Staff her actions is a Justification she will not be a Human Guinea Pig to Dr. Grachev.
§  On the 29/12/2010, haloperidol injection of 12.5 mg was prescribed by Dr. Grachev to Prof Thomas. Having been injected with Haloperidol depot, yet no reason adduced to warrant this Injection, she was informed by Dr. Grachev the next dosage was due a week later, Dr. Grachev's malicious intention led to his malicious Prescription of further dosage of Haloperidol Injection of 100mg prescribed to Prof. Thomas at the instruction that she be injected by the Nurse on Duty just within 3 days’ interval of receiving the first dosage,
§  On the 01/1/2011, she received another Injection.


OLANZAPINE: Drowsiness, Weight Gain, Raised Prolactin, Asthenia, Dizziness, Postural Hypotension, Dry Mouth, Constipation, Akathisia, Movement Order/Parkinsonism, Oedema

HALOPERIDOL INJECTION: Aksthisia, Raised Prolactin And Movement Disorder, Feeling Shaky Or Having Tremor, Neck May Twist Back, Eyes And Tongue May Move On Their Own.


Dr. Grachev has been an in House Doctor with Joydens Clinic, Bracton Psychiatric Hospital, Datford Kent for more than a decade though working under a Female Medical Consultant Dr. Parrot, but her inactiveness made it easily for Dr. Grachev to manipulated Patients in his care. He migrated to UK in Search for a Career in the booming UK Healthcare Industry and his General Medical Council Number is 4592468, Medical Qualification was in Vrach 1987 1st Moscow Medical Institute. He is not on the Specialist Register, he is Subject to Revalidation, his next Annual Retention Due is 24/02/2017 and was issued a License on the 20/10/ 2005. He is Employed by Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust and his Responsible Officer is a Nigerian Mr. Chike Okocha.

Dr. Sergey Grachev lives and earn Extra Income from his House in Forest Hill at No. 1 Tewkesbury Avenue, London, SE23 3DG .

Dr. Grachev’s Personality is nothing else other than a Psychopathic Lunatic Psychiatrist Slaughtering the Physical well-being of Patients in Joydens Clinic in the name of Mental Disorder once these Vulnerable individuals becomes Subject to Sectioned of Mental Health Act.

Dr. Grachev’s Personality is regard as a Charmer and his Face does not foretell the Purity in his Mind. There is every evidence to suggest his Profession as a Psychiatrist with a Practice Certificate enables him Experiment his Psychopathic thoughts on Humans, yet he is so deluded and feels no remorse on the Harm his malicious Medication does to his Victims.

The Nurses in the Clinic working under the Supervision of Dr. Grachev are very afraid of him the  acting like Drum Stick. They sing his Music when it comes to medicating Patients, even when they know his Prescription is without the consent and approval of the Resident Medical Officer (RMO).


Dr. Grachev is a Bike Rider and such Hobby is hardly uncommon amongst Doctors, though he may claim it is the easiest means of Transportation. Dr. Grachev is a typical example of Dr. Harold Shipman One of the Most Prolific Serial Killers in recorded History after his Conviction confirmed was responsible for killing at least 218 Patients in his Care.

Dr. Grachev’s Mental Disorder is so severe, hardly unnoticed, his Psychoticism is inspired by his Delusions. Dr. Grachev does possess trait of Omni Phobia Mind Supremacy, his Practice Certificate in the Eyes of the Law protects him and even covers him, which is the reason he has committed so much atrocities undetected in various Carriages;

He lies on Patients Psychiatric Reports to the Court, He lies about his Patients Mental State, He randomly overdoses his Patients with Medication, His Nurses are Scapegoats aiding him in is Human Guinea Pigs Laboratory. He enjoys obsession Drugs Experiment and injection on Patients, his Crimes has gone unnoticed for while working in Joydens Clinic over a Decade.
Dr. Grachev has no Empathy nor does he care for his British Patients. His mental insanity of a High Degree, disguised by his Charm and People hardly know he is a very troubled Man; In Ethical Definition, Dr. Grachev is a Replica of the Hitler’s Doctors at the Nazi’s Camp who experimented on the Jews.


Professor Alexia Thomas was Imprisoned at Holloway Prison, 392 Camden Road, London, N7 0SJ, She spent for 5 months in their Custody, equivalent to One year in Prison from the 16/01/2010 to the 26/11/2010. She never pleaded Mental Insanity in her Case Trial. She got moved to Bracton Hospital 7 days to her Appeal, she had the Authority not to leave Prison to Bracton Hospital and wait for her Appeal on the 02/12/210 and would have gone Home from Court because no one get 18 Months Prison Term for refusing to Regulate for Legal Practice. 

Professor Alexia Thomas was misled by Holloway Prison Staff into believing Bracton Hospital was just a mere Hospital to aid Prisoners Social Needs, hence being Imprisoned in Holloway she found it difficult to comply with the regular Prison Activities where Prisoners are to attend Prison Functions like Vocational Classes, Craft and Sports. 

Professor Alexia Thomas realizing her Imprisonment was the greatest Miscarriage of Justice, Prison Staff mislead her by convincing her to leave Holloway Prison for Prison Hospital Voluntarily, little did she know it was a Prison Psychiatric Hospital. She agreed to be transferred on section 47/49 and she did not know her rights had become restrained under Section 47/49 which meant she lost her Rights of Independent by the Legislation of Section 47/49 of the Mental Health Act. This is how Dr. Victorovich Grachev mastered Professor Alexia Thomas Destruction.

On the 25/11/2010, Prof. Thomas became a Victim of Joydens Clinic at Bracton Hospital when transferred from Prisoner on Section 47/49. Bracton Hospital Staff deceived Holloway Prison Staff into believing they have Accommodation for Prof. Thomas, but instead accommodated her in their Group Room use for Meetings. They put a Bed and Table as if she is an Animal and for more than a Month no Room was allocated to her. The Reason of their breached of Ethics is abused is Because Staff in charge of Patients Care are in Black majority Staff unable to differentiate Work Ethics and Standard Practice. The Question, Why did Staff of Bracton Hospital and Dr. Grachev deceived the Prison authority there was a Bed Space? instead they caused her further Problems.

Joydens Clinic Ward takes Capacity of 13 Females, Prof Thomas served 5 Months’ imprisonment equivalent to 1 year from the 16/01/2010 to the 26/11/2010 with prior 2 weeks in Custody earlier and never did she Plead Mental Insanity in her Case Trial. In a bid for Dr. Grachev to deny her liberty within one week of being in his Care, he deceived the Court recommending Prof. Thomas be put on Section 37.                                                      

On the 23/12/2010, Prof. Thomas legal representative Ms. Ann-Marie Elliott of Blavo and Co Solicitors were having a legal conversation when Dr. Grachev came in to introduce himself to Ms. Ann-Marie. Ms. Ann-Marie informed Prof. Thomas the RMO has the power to discharge a patient or herself, but surprisingly Dr. Grachev told Ms. Ann-Marie that was not the case in Joydens Clinic as the RMO only comes to the clinic to sign papers that they are in house team of Joydens controls her decision, If the consultant (RMO) is being paid, yet very unprofessional, she has no control over the decision of Joydens Clinic.

Dr. Grachev wrote to the Court of Appeal that Prof. Thomas was suffering from Delusional Disorder, Grandios Ideas and Abnormal Agitation. Prof. Thomas has not committed any Forensic Crime and should not have been sent to Joydens Clinic at all. This is abuse by Dr. Grachev deformation of Prof. Thomas character when she had no Mental Disorder.

Dr. Grachev falsely informed the Court of Appeal to adjourn Prof. Thomas appeal hearing against her Sentence. No evidence of an independent Psychiatric opinion, yet Dr. Grachev got away with malicious diagnosis on Prof. Thomas. Prof Thomas has no records of aggression, yet she was alleged of Mental Disorder amongst Patients who has committed severe Crimes.

Dr. Grachev misinformed the Court that Prof Thomas had a Mental Disorder when she had no Abnormal Behaviour, apart from her 3 days protest refusing food due to the fact Dr. Grachev denied her attending her Appeal Hearing. 


Professor Alexia Thomas in her diagnosis of Dr. Grachev’s Mental State in his Practice Obsession, she confirmed Dr. Grachev suffers from ‘Omni Phobia Mind Supremacy’.

She revealed that the Chief Executive of his Employment Company may have under-sightedly allowed Dr. Grachev’s contract of Employment to continue till the date of this Publication as an in House Doctor without supervision. Even though there is a medical Consultant, the error in appointing a female Dr. Parrot to that role is that Dr. Grachev uses his Psychic powers to charm his female Superior as a result they become inactive. Dr. Grachev has constantly boasted that his Resident Medical Officer (RMO) has no say on any Patients medication prescribed by him.

What should not be forgotten is that Dr. Grachev is a Russian and though he may have naturalized as a British, hence British dual Nationality he may hold, that still means he is still a holder of a valid Russian Passport. His only reason why he migrated to the UK is to accumulate much treasures in decoy stunt of Pretense of Service in Employment at the expense of Humans in his Idiocy Practice as a Psychiatric.
Patients in Joydens Clinic under Section are at the mercy of the Doctors to get their Freedom from Incarceration, this gives Dr. Grachev the opportunity to Experiment drugs overdose on their Bodies as his Human Guinea Pigs because vulnerable individuals under section are seen as retarded People in the Eyes of the Public.


While Professor Alexia Thomas was serving her Prison Sentence in care of Dr. Grachev, her Study of him after 60 Days, she released a Behavioral Analytical Report served on Dr. Grachev’s Employer; This is Time the Corridors of Justice Sparks Truth without awaiting a Competent Court to delay the Brunt of Justice.

----- Report Reads------ Dr. Grachev is so deluded that every Person in his Mind does suffers from Mental Disorder apart from his work colleagues, if not that the UK Employment legislation limit his Authority over his work colleagues, there is no doubt that he may have ordered his work colleague on Medication, if they need to work under him.                                                                                                                                                                                                             
Dr. Grachev is a Migrant to UK found a career in the UK becoming Healthcare Industry, though no one knows his background in Russia, who he is, why he left Russia, was he a Criminal who absconded from Russia Criminal Justice System or was he a Pedophile or a Rapist. 

The Chief Executive of Braton’s Management may have entrusted Joydens Clinic to his care, hence, a re-think of Dr. Grachev’s personality needs further investigation. The Nurses under his care but who can challenge him when his position is above them.

The NHS Trust of Bracton and Staff Team have been killing their Patients and with no active monitoring of the Mental Health Act gives Registered Operators of Patients care like Bracton Powers under the NHS a free hand to medicate Patients to death. The Employer of Dr. Grachev bid to cut cost on Staff, employed Amateurs without Proper verification and deployed them to the Job Roles of Professionals.

The Joydens patients on admission have been dealt with against their will. Even if they pled mental insanity in the court there is no diagnosis or prognosis that has no time frame. The Trust is about making Patients recover within a time frame of 6 months and discharging them, but for Joydens Clinic they keeping Patients in their Care till their body is totally abused with medication and their nerves no longer controls their fingers and their body shakes vigorously to the extent holding an object as light as a spoon is difficult when they try to feed themselves. Example is Miss Joy, Miss Jamie, Miss Taiwo and many more.

Mr. Nyanzunda has failed the Joydens Clinic patients as his actions are subjecting the Patients to Slavery a deteriorations wellbeing of Joydens Clinic patients shivering vigorously as a result of excessive medication overdose for a long period undermining the side effect. Joydens Clinic Code of Practice Undermined Patients Care. Staff are not supervised, Managers, Medical Consultant has no say, Doctors hold tight to patients and denying them discharge with False Allegations made to Mental Health Tribunal that Patients will not comply with Medication If discharge.


Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas in her determinism to see an end to the Mental Health Act, she has proposed the following Sanctions to see Justice is served for every Patient in United Kingdom Psychiatric killed and in the name of the Mental Health Act.

Cоrrесtiоn nееds to be made on the Insanity Laws, Sham Law, Alien Laws, which ѕimрlу means Law that make no Sense instead the Law of Legal Cоmрrоmiѕе must to Enforced and Bill of Citizens Eԛuаlitу Rights Should Promulgated.  

The Psychiatric Doctors аnd their Nurѕеѕ are all educated illiterates аѕ thеу have no сluе of the Lаw remits, the reason thеу misread the Mеntаl Hеаlth Act 1983 in аѕѕumрtiоn thеу саnnоt be challenged.  “No Mаn Hаѕ Thе Power Tо Sесtiоn Аnоthеr Man Аѕ It Iѕ An Abuse Of Thе Law Оf Mаgnа Cаrtа So Also Nо Mаn Hаѕ Thе Right Tо Deny Аnоthеr Man Hiѕ Frее Will Libеrtу Tо Bе Frее” – By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas.

Royal Mother Professor Thomas, we the People of commonwealth and Great Britain hails you for the Pains and Afflictions you have taken for our Sake for us to be Free People of the World suppressed by the Draconian Laws made by Cultism of Democratic Practice.

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