Austin Emaduku
government councils, counties, prefectures, cities, boroughs, municipalities,
etc., the world over, are regarded as vehicles of grassroots development because
of their closeness to the people. It is for this reason that it is often argued
that they be granted enough financial strength and space to operate. However,
the question of municipal autonomy—the extent of autonomy that they should be
granted—remains a key question in public administration and governance the
world over.
some countries that operate a proper federal
system, local government councils are granted enough powers by the federating units to establish and
maintain their own local courts, fire service and even police. The general
practice in federal systems all over the
world is that the councils are often granted enough autonomy, especially
financial, which enables them to manage their affairs, establish schools, build
roads, clean the environment, build and maintain parks, and provide necessary
developmental projects. This is in line with the general recognition of the
role of local government as engines of grassroots development.
local governments in Nigeria have not lived up to their bidding in this regard.
Many reasons are accountable for the pathetic state that the councils find
is that the Nigerian state operates a quasi-unitary system of government which
likes to call itself a federal system. So, like the nation itself, the local
government system is mired in the contradictions arising from this national misnomer.
is the confusion caused by the constitution which grants “autonomy” to local
government councils with one hand and withdraws it with the other. Section 7(1) of the 1999 constitution, for
example, provides that: “The system of local government by democratically
elected local government councils is under this constitution guaranteed; and
accordingly, the government of every state shall, subject to section 8 of this
constitution, ensure their existence under a law which provides for the
establishment, structure, composition, finance and functions of such councils.”
is a typical example of the contradictions inherent in our quasi unitary
constitution masquerading as a federal constitution. Thus we have a legal
framework which in one breath establishes the local governments as units of government at the grassroots level
and in another, positions them as appendages of the states to administer as
they wish. This confusion is further acerbated by the fact that the same
constitution recognizes the local government councils as units of revenue
allocation from the centre but falls short of guaranteeing their existence as an
“independent” tier of government.
is the overbearing, paternalistic and sometimes predatory oversight functions of
the state governments (emboldened by the provisions of Section 7(1) of the 1999
constitution) which have been at the heart of policy summersaults and crises of
identity affecting governance at the grassroots level.
perhaps most crucial and central to the entire issue of nation building is the
Nigerian psyche. The military coup of
1966 and the subsequent promulgation of a unitary decree by the General Aguyi Ironsi
regime which effectively replaced our erstwhile federal system with a unitary
system of government and the long period of military rule that followed did a
lot of damage to the Nigerian psyche. As Prof Wole Soyinka once noted, you can
take the hippopotamus out of the swamp, but you cannot take the swamp out of
the hippopotamus. We have been able to chase the military out of government,
but we have not been able to take the military out of our minds. The practice,
structure and ideas of the military’s command and obey system are still ingrained
in our psyche and have tainted our federalism and practice of democracy. Thus,
federalism as currently practiced in Nigeria is paternalistic, feudalistic,
tokenistic and executed with military fiat.
local government councils have been worst hit by these systemic contradictions
and military style governance because of their unfortunate position as the
weakest tier of government. The constitutional provisions effectively put them
in a position of orphans. Added to this is the fact that people today are still
under the wrong impression that the local government councils lack the human
capital to manage their own affairs. Hence, most often, decisions and policies
affecting local government administration are made without the input of the
critical stakeholders or people with practical experience in local government
administration. Rather, what has been the practice is that we have people with
a sense of entitlement, without any knowledge of intricacies of local
government administration; people who for selfish or political reasons, rather
than the public interest, take decisions for local government councils that end
up being merely academic because they lack the practicality of implementation.
these, in addition to our flawed federal structure and constitution, have been
the reason for the failure of past reforms aimed at empowering our local government
is in this light that I view the recent directive by the Nigeria Financial
Intelligence Unit with suspicion. Has it come to stay? Can it be legally
enforced within the present constitution and the type of federal structure that
we practice? Was there a stakeholder engagement with actual practitioners of
the system to ascertain the practicality of the directive and possible outcomes
and how to tackle them?
example, all the states of the federation presently operate a unified local
government system wherein staff are centrally employed, trained, promoted and
generally managed. Ditto for pension administration and payment of primary
school teachers’ salaries. All these functions are performed by state agencies
funded through the contentious Joint State Local Government Account (JSLGA)
whose activities the NFIU directive intends to curtail because of the general
notion of it being the avenue through which the state governors misappropriate
local government funds. It is yet unclear how these functions and others crucial
to local government administration will be handled under the NFIU directive.
will be the first to agree without any reservation that the local government
system as we currently have it is fraught with tremendous contradictions that
must be resolved if Nigeria must attain grassroots development. I also agree
with the popular view that a major way to do this is to empower the local
government councils financially for them to be able to carry out their
primary functions, hence the push for financial autonomy. I guess this is what
the NFUI directive aims to achieve.
fact, however, remains that financial autonomy is not all that the local
government councils need in our current political structure to succeed. It might
not be enough and might backfire if all possible outcomes are not taken into
consideration and contingent measures put in place to address them. Therefore, with
the benefit of hindsight of repeated reform failures, any solution that is
geared towards solving the problems of local government within our present set
up must be rooted in rigorous systemic analysis that is not artificial nor
contrived in other not to produce
defective outcomes.
local government councils need financial autonomy, but what they need most is
political autonomy: the freedom to be able to choose freely who to preside over
their affairs through a process of free and free elections rather than
selection. This is the only way to attract high quality representation at the
local government level, those whose loyalty will be to the people.
is noteworthy that the NFIU directive has been received with popular acclaim by
the public. This an indication of the direction which the public wants local
government administration to go in order to attain better service delivery, which
in their perception—wrongly or rightly—the current system does not allow.
state governors have always complained of the non-viability of most councils
and the huge financial burden they have to bear by augmenting the income of the
councils to enable them meet their salary obligations. I have no reason to
doubt them. The NFIU directive might just be the opportunity to prove them
right and erase the wrong public impression that they misappropriate local
government funds.
apprehensions and expectations that the NFIU directive has generated is
expected in a polity and system like ours where contradictions, selfish power
play and mutual suspicion are a currency in public administration. But instead
of being adversarial, I urge all stakeholders to see it as a clarion call for all
to join hands to proffer solutions
towards empowering the local government councils for
better service delivery.
is no doubt that the implementation of the NFIU directives will throw up some major problems under our
confused legal framework, but as a believer in Marxian dialectics, I have the
assurance that whatever contradictions that are thrown up in the course of
implementing the directives will be resolved within the general system that
threw up the directives in the first place.
when Nigeria decides whether to operate a two tier or a multi-tier federal
system of government or to embrace full blown federalism as against the quasi
unitary-federalism it currently operates, local government system in Nigeria
will continue to suffer a crisis of identity.
Emaduku is a public affairs analyst based in Ekete, Udu Local Government Area
of Delta State. He can be reach through:
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