Wednesday 16 September 2020

Governor Inuwa Yahaya Commiserates With Vision FM General Manager, Yusuf Baji Over Mother's Death

Gombe state Governor, Alhaji Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya has commiserated with the General Manager of Vision FM Gombe, Malam Yusuf Ishaq Baji over the demise of his mother, Fatimah Isa who died today in Ganjuwa Local Government, Bauchi state at the age of 70 years after a protracted illness.  

In a condolence message, Governor Yahaya described the deceased as a disciplined and forthright mother as well as family pillar who lived an exemplary life and remained a source of inspiration for her children until her death.  

He said Hajiya Fatima's death is a great loss, not only to her immediate family but to the state as well,  consoling Malam Yusuf Baji and other children she left behind to take solace in the fact that their mother lived a life of service to Almighty Allah. 

Governor Yahaya prayed Almighty Allah to forgive the deceased's shortcomings and reward her good deeds with Aljannat Fridau.

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